AGM - April 2022

The purpose of an AGM is to:

●        Highlight the progress and achievements of the organisation over the past 12 months

●        Elect the Committee for the following year

●        Make any changes to the constitution




1, Welcome & Apologies                                                                        Jodie

2, Minutes of the previous meeting  - 2019 meeting                               Jodie                           
3, Chairperson’s Report                                                                          Jodie
4, Secretary’s Report                                                                             Han
5, Treasurer’s Report                                                                             Anthea

6, Membership Report                                                                           Emma
7, Election of Committee Members                                                         Jodie
- Secretary role vote
- Re-election of existing Committee Members for further 12 months

8, Matters Arising                                                                                  All


Date of next meeting April 2023                                                                        

Supporting notes to the agenda:

Welcome and apologies

Attendees – Jodie Smith, Richard Smith, Hannah Priestman, Ella King, Hannah Tyson, Jonathan Moon, Emma Moon, David Gee, Anthea Gee

Apologies – El and Rick Ogilvie. Sheila Ryder

Minutes from last meeting – In summary - New group, kit from Racebest, and membership tags

Matters arising –

●       Committee meetings and AGM – Due to covid we weren’t able to have a AGM for 2 years – Action - Ensure committee meetings are held monthly now.

Chairperson’s report - Jodie

Club’s vision - We continue to be an all-inclusive running club for all abilities and ages, built on the ethos that anyone can run and we NEVER leave a snail behind!

Summary of the year’s activities – 20/21 was a difficult year just after our presentation we went in to lockdown meaning runs, C25K21 and races were cancelled. However we did loads of positive things like virtual rainbow runs, 5k relays and running bingo!

We did get back up and running again with a booking system which worked brilliantly during the pandemic. 21/22 has been a great 12 months despite covid, Friday social runs and Champs races were able to start again and we had a fantastic presentation night.

Our C25K was a huge success selling out and many C25K have joined for this years membership and some are volunteering as run leaders!

Flatcaps 2021 raised over £2500 for The Christies despite only having 140 runners.

Our marathon snail place for 2021 was our amazing Cath Neil who will be this years!

We now have a snazzy booking system on the website for memberships and GNR Coach which has been very successful and feedback has been great!

Preview of the coming year – Championship races have started again with 6 divisions. Our presentation night is hoping to be back at the Arches in Feb 2023.

Our charity of the year is going to be Unique Ways and we have already started raising money!

Friday social runs are back in the diary for every last Friday.

GNR coach is booked and sold out again!

The Cricket Club continue to welcome us to use their facilities as our home, the price has remained the same at £5 per person.

Secretary’s report - Han
During 2019/121 Committee Meetings were less regular due to covid, however the team have kept in touch daily using a chat function. We have had the odd zoom meetings and have now started back with face to face. There were 15 members on the committee.

Treasurer’s report - Anthea

-the cash balance

-In and outs

-expected receipts and payments over the next month or quarter.

Election of committee members

Vacant positions – Club Secretary Jenna Greenroyd

Re-election of existing committee members

  1. Date of next meeting.
    NB minutes should be produced within one week (unless our constitution says otherwise)

Minutes from meeting


21/22 Memberships-

Standard - 175

Concessions - 19

Children - 8

Total 202

22/23 Memberships as of 6/4/22

Standard -121

Concessions  - 28

Children - 4
Total 153

We’re aware that some current runners have not yet paid membership

Action - Jonathan Moon to ensure only paid members are on the Strava page

Question - Should we ‘cull’ the Facebook page to make it members only? A - Too admin heavy and we have some friends of the club that no longer run with us but it’s nice that they can stay in contact and support us.

No more plastic tags

-        members weren’t wearing them

-        contributed to plastic waste

-        additional cost to club

-        membership confirmation email can be used as proof instead


Committee Meetings

Committee meetings to be monthly (first Wednesday of the month)

Agenda items and event to be posted at least a week in advance


Treasurers Report

£219 raised so far for Unique Ways

Dixie Woods

Friends of Dixie Woods are working on revitalising the area around Dixon Scar Woods and would like some input on which paths and trails we use regularly.

They’re making the entrances and routes more accessible and any feedback they can get will be really valuable. Ella King and Kristine Peel are our representatives, so please contact them if you have any feedback / ideas.

May Run Leaders

We’re a little light for run leaders in May, specifically in Medium Steadies and above.
We’ll put in more ‘run for alls’ to help cover.

We’ve got a few new run leaders stepping up in the next few weeks

The committee are looking into hosting a run leading course at the club
Please let Ella King or Jodie Smith know if you’re interested in run leading

Card Machine

A card machine would be useful for selling kit, flat caps entries etc.
This would mean a small increase on kit (50p - £1 depending on the item)
Action  - Emma Moon to look into

Birthday Party

4th June
Fancy dress pub crawl with ‘British Icons’ theme to fit with the jubilee


Marathon Draw

Winner Su Page

Reserve Traci Kerridge

Change in Highways Code

Pedestrians and cyclists have right of way at junctions but not at other times. It is important that runners still stay on the pavements when available or at the side of the road.

Action – Hannah Tyson (welfare officer) already posted to inform members of this.


Trail Tuesdays

Move to Thursdays so we’re not running three days in a row


Press Officer

Hannah Priestman to support with writing press